Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Woman Fired For Giving The Finger

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "was this a good decision", then think to yourself, "anything can be done anywhere, anytime and t."

Donald Trump was given the finger during a stroll to the golf course. He was with his guards when they past by a cycling Juli Briskman. When she saw him, her first instinct was to flip the bird at him. She was thinking about the crisis in Puerto Rico and the fact that young immigrants who were brought to U.S could be deported at that time. She doesn't regret this decision instead she embraces what has happened, even using the caught photo as her profile picture.

The woman who gave the finger towards Donald Trump got fired because her boss wanted to protect his business. No one would like a bad reputation for something an employee did. If I was that lady, I would have done the same thing, but I would have done with BOTH hands and feet. Not really though because I don't care about Trump.

Trump has done many things in the amount of time he was elected as president, like: Those actions may be forgotten in the near future, but for all the bad things he's done, like all humans (except lawyers and criminals) should be forgiven. (That was a haha funny joke) His actions are not funny jokes honestly. They're just dumb and questionable.

This is the part where i give helpful and insightful tips for you, the reader. Don't go out and give the finger to those you don't like, it probably won't turn out well. It's better to do these things behind that person's back, which is totally okay.

K lol bie

Monday, November 6, 2017

kneeing the Anthemememem.

Kneeing the Anthem

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "how did this come to be"? Then think, "everything can be forgiven" Then remember, forgiveness is a virtue? Probably

Football player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the american national anthem. This act was done as a sign of equality. Another person who started doing this, Eric Reid, states that he was doing this because of what was going on with the police brutality at the time. This is probably why Colin decided to kneel during the anthem. This has created a lot of controversy against him which I think shouldn't be happening. He wanted to bring attention to what was happening and people bash him for doing so. This isn't rude in any way. Trump shouldn't be wasting his time on this type of thing but on the things Colin was trying to protest about.
Image result for colin kaepernick

Opinions are like geese, they're everywhere, some can be odd, aggressive, nice or actual good advice on rare occasions. My opinion on this is that people shouldn't get so worked up over such small things, and that my opinions don't matter. If you wanted a blog about how this is wrong, then you should have quit reading this. Colin was kneeling so people would notice what was going on around them, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with speaking up for what's right. That's all I have to say about this.

It's times like these where I ask, "how much Austrailians does it take to make Australia relevant. That's it, goodbye.

Australia doesn't exist!!?1!?!!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Inclusive Pepsi Ad Not So Inclusive

Inclusive Pepsi Ad Not So Inclusive

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "how did this"? Well then remember this, "Pepsi is a horrible drink and everybody that does drink this has no idea of what they're doing in their life and should reconsider. However coke is the way to go, it gives you a plentiful amount of abs, (Trust me) everyone will start to appreciate and acknowledge you, grades will get 100 times better and you won't be such a disappointment to your parents.

Honestly, I can't really see anything wrong with this ad except for the fact that people are actually drinking Pepsi and liking it. Disgrace. I have heard that the problem with this is the fact that this ad came out during the Black Lives Matter movement. People thought this ad was oversimplifying the problem making other protests insignificant. I understand how this could be a problem, however if this was posted before the movement, all this controversy wouldn't have happened because their would be nothing wrong with it. All I can really say is, this is just  a dumb soda commercial and this isn't a big deal what-so-ever.

I don't understand how something like this could attract the attention of so many people, I have looked at the comments on the video, yes where were comments that didn't like the ad, but most of the comment section was just filled with either, "I don't see any problem with this ad", or "coke is so much better". If they wanted to go for more of a non-controversial ad, they could have done this ad somewhat like the puppy-monkey-baby ad for mountain dew. It's not controversial, it's weird, entertaining, and it sells the product. With this said I'll leave you, the reader something to think about. Pepsi made this ad to try and sell it's product, but failed. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone makes mistakes (except me of course) and those mistakes should be forgiven. Everyone should learn to pop a cold one with the boys. (or girls)

Image result for someone holding a coke


Comments 1) (Fired for giving the finger)-  T his is really long, kinda like my abs, wait...