Friday, March 9, 2018


1) (Fired for giving the finger)- This is really long, kinda like my abs, wait, that doesn't make sense. NVM. Anyways, the lad that gave the finger to Trump did it with good intent, she seemed to be okay with the outcome. When her friend showed her the photo, I believe she just said "yeah, that is me." or something along those lines. Trump wasn't doing anything about the problem in Puerto Rico which got her pretty anger. If someone did something to piss you off, wouldn't you want to do something. Besides. it's not like the Lady did anything physical, just a raise of a finger. I do agree that you should keep your anger to yourself no matter what happens.

Have an above decent day.
2) (Racist Halloween costumes)-costumes are made to be a way to show your creativity with the costume and sometimes even be immersed in your character, not to represent a whole different culture. Party city and any other costume store that produce these types of costumes should, as you said, be penalized for selling such things. It really is a shame costumes like these are still being sold. 

People have said things about this and it probably was heard by these companies. Maybe in the future stores won't sell any cultural costume.

3) (Pepsi ad)- First of all, Pepsi is a VERY unhealthy drink, it's only known for being so bad and NO ONE says that pepsi is the superior drink. Coca Cola is the far more superior drink and has many redeeming qualities. The part where you mentioned the Dove ad got me thinking. There are people who are okay with this ad and see no problem, there are people who know the problem and they let it slide, and there are people who take things really seriously and start typing hate comments to the creator. At first I thought it was just released at a bad time, but maybe they did see what was happening and wanted to try and lighten the mood. 

Ps: Coke is better if I didn't mention that at the start. And I have MANY BEAUTIFUL ABDOMINALS.
4) (Dove ad)-Christofer Law, your blog started like any other blog I've read (except Joshua Cadavos', his blog smells of poo poo). Summarizing the problem, showing how people would find this racist, showing some history of some soap ads, and expressing your opinion. But somehow you managed to make me shed a tear and praise Ameri... uhhh Canada. You saying that you looked at the bigger picture or whatever made me realize there's more to life than just solitaire and butter chicken, it's about LOOKING OUTSIDE THE BOX. 

Oh yeah, your opinion is decent. I agree with you, people just look at this ad without thinking of the bigger picture and what Lola thought about this.It's like my dad once said, don't judge a goose by it's beak size.
Good day America.
5) (MeToo Movement)- HAAHAHAHAHA! that pun was HILARIOUS. Sexual harassment is very topical and deserves to be talked about. I didn't have the time to read the article you posted because I was so busy winning games in fortnite and eating lean cuisine in my bedroom. Your opinion on this topic reminded me of the time I was in my room. That's it....

6) (Dove ad)-Joshua Cadavos, your opinion on this... I don't have anything to say. Life is full of mistakes, I've made the mistake of not going to another school, not e classing English, and the mistake of not finishing this comment faster. However all mistakes can be forgiven. You said that Lola was okay with what she said and didn't know what all the commotion was about. All those people who said this was racist, sure they're right. That's all I have to say about this. Oh, and one more thing, you're bad at pokemon.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Women's March

Women's March

Have you seen anything and you were like "yeah yeah, that's good" ... same. 

The Women's march was a worldwide protest that was held January 21st, 2017 involving many women (and some men) who were standing up for things like advocating legislation and policies regarding human right and other issues, including women's rights. This was mainly targeted towards Donald Trump not so long after his inauguration. Trump has made many statements and positions that were considered by many as anti-women or just offensive.
Image result for womens march
There are still problems dealing with women, which may be fixed in the future, but now, there are more and more women coming out and talking about the wrong that was done to them. Life for women has advanced since the 1800's or whatever. As someone once said, "everything is gonna be alright".

I have no problem with this what-so-ever. It's just a bunch of people who are protesting about the things Donald Trump did. In another blog of mine, "Woman fired for giving the Finger", I said that Trump should be forgiven. Forget everything that was said. Trump has done many things to get where he is now and many of things were pretty questionable, but I won't judge. I too have done many questionable things.... I regret my decisions.

This is the part of the blog where I leave you with some advice. From the words of a big idle, "stop it" I'm pretty sure Ghandi said something like that once.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Racist Halloween

Costumes that aren't cool (unlike me, I am cool) 

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "what's wrong with this"? Then remember, anything can be racist when shown on the internet.

Halloween is a holiday where kids are encouraged to go out at night in costumes and going to strangers' houses asking for candy. Nothing about this holiday can go wrong, right? Wrong. Costumes are a part of Halloween make it unique. Not the "going into strangers houses and asking for candy." There are costumes that make Halloween not fun and are deemed racist.

Joy Henderson was someone who was looking for some claws for her son, like you do. She then came across an isle full of native american costumes and accessories. This caught her attention and once she was finished, she immediately posted about her experience, talking about how inappropriate it was and that this shouldn't be allowed.

Costumes being racist really show how much people care about other cultures. Especially those who buy it. I don't do Halloween because why not, so I personally haven't seen any of these costumes, so I wouldn't know how it feels for others when they see this. There are people that don't care about this situation, and there are those that take great offence to this. I can't take offence to this, and I'm not saying that I don't care, just that this doesn't really concern me. Just like everything else in life, Australia being one of those things.

Like my other blogs, my opinion doesn't matter and you can say anything you like, I will most likely agree with whatever you have to say. i eat ass

Life is a mess for everyone.
I hope you have a decent life.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Woman Fired For Giving The Finger

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "was this a good decision", then think to yourself, "anything can be done anywhere, anytime and t."

Donald Trump was given the finger during a stroll to the golf course. He was with his guards when they past by a cycling Juli Briskman. When she saw him, her first instinct was to flip the bird at him. She was thinking about the crisis in Puerto Rico and the fact that young immigrants who were brought to U.S could be deported at that time. She doesn't regret this decision instead she embraces what has happened, even using the caught photo as her profile picture.

The woman who gave the finger towards Donald Trump got fired because her boss wanted to protect his business. No one would like a bad reputation for something an employee did. If I was that lady, I would have done the same thing, but I would have done with BOTH hands and feet. Not really though because I don't care about Trump.

Trump has done many things in the amount of time he was elected as president, like: Those actions may be forgotten in the near future, but for all the bad things he's done, like all humans (except lawyers and criminals) should be forgiven. (That was a haha funny joke) His actions are not funny jokes honestly. They're just dumb and questionable.

This is the part where i give helpful and insightful tips for you, the reader. Don't go out and give the finger to those you don't like, it probably won't turn out well. It's better to do these things behind that person's back, which is totally okay.

K lol bie

Monday, November 6, 2017

kneeing the Anthemememem.

Kneeing the Anthem

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "how did this come to be"? Then think, "everything can be forgiven" Then remember, forgiveness is a virtue? Probably

Football player Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the american national anthem. This act was done as a sign of equality. Another person who started doing this, Eric Reid, states that he was doing this because of what was going on with the police brutality at the time. This is probably why Colin decided to kneel during the anthem. This has created a lot of controversy against him which I think shouldn't be happening. He wanted to bring attention to what was happening and people bash him for doing so. This isn't rude in any way. Trump shouldn't be wasting his time on this type of thing but on the things Colin was trying to protest about.
Image result for colin kaepernick

Opinions are like geese, they're everywhere, some can be odd, aggressive, nice or actual good advice on rare occasions. My opinion on this is that people shouldn't get so worked up over such small things, and that my opinions don't matter. If you wanted a blog about how this is wrong, then you should have quit reading this. Colin was kneeling so people would notice what was going on around them, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with speaking up for what's right. That's all I have to say about this.

It's times like these where I ask, "how much Austrailians does it take to make Australia relevant. That's it, goodbye.

Australia doesn't exist!!?1!?!!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Inclusive Pepsi Ad Not So Inclusive

Inclusive Pepsi Ad Not So Inclusive

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "how did this"? Well then remember this, "Pepsi is a horrible drink and everybody that does drink this has no idea of what they're doing in their life and should reconsider. However coke is the way to go, it gives you a plentiful amount of abs, (Trust me) everyone will start to appreciate and acknowledge you, grades will get 100 times better and you won't be such a disappointment to your parents.

Honestly, I can't really see anything wrong with this ad except for the fact that people are actually drinking Pepsi and liking it. Disgrace. I have heard that the problem with this is the fact that this ad came out during the Black Lives Matter movement. People thought this ad was oversimplifying the problem making other protests insignificant. I understand how this could be a problem, however if this was posted before the movement, all this controversy wouldn't have happened because their would be nothing wrong with it. All I can really say is, this is just  a dumb soda commercial and this isn't a big deal what-so-ever.

I don't understand how something like this could attract the attention of so many people, I have looked at the comments on the video, yes where were comments that didn't like the ad, but most of the comment section was just filled with either, "I don't see any problem with this ad", or "coke is so much better". If they wanted to go for more of a non-controversial ad, they could have done this ad somewhat like the puppy-monkey-baby ad for mountain dew. It's not controversial, it's weird, entertaining, and it sells the product. With this said I'll leave you, the reader something to think about. Pepsi made this ad to try and sell it's product, but failed. The point I'm trying to make is that everyone makes mistakes (except me of course) and those mistakes should be forgiven. Everyone should learn to pop a cold one with the boys. (or girls)

Image result for someone holding a coke


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Dove Ad Gone Horribly Wrong

Dove Ad Gone Horribly Wrong

Have you ever looked at a horrible mess and wondered, "who came up with this"? Then think, "big things come in small packages". I got that from a small joke book.

Controversy is a dumb thing and topics like this don't interest me the slightest. I just glance at it then shrug is off, so I can't really say much except that I personally don't really care that much about what people say about this. I see this and I think "what a dumb move they have made", which is the type of attitude people should have toward this now I'm not saying this means this is a good friendly ad, just that next time you make an ad like this, make it a bit less; like this. If they wanted to give a CLEAN message about their product (That was a pun), they could have done something that involves a woman washing her leg with passion, or someone holding the product and just looking intensely into the camera. It's simple, not controversial, and pleasing to the eye.

People are quick to judge a book by it's cover saying things like; "that's racist",  "this ad is dumb and stinks", "will I ever find love" and other things. This should be one of those things people should ignore and look at the bright side of life, like old folks. Besides, this will be forgotten after a few days like my memories for example. All I'm saying is people should learn to forgive and forget. I try to drink coke to forget but I always remember. So say what you want about this, it won't matter in the end, however remember this, money can buy you many things; food, shelter, friends, DOVE PRODUCTS, but it can't buy love. (irrelevant, just here to fill quota of 300 words)


Comments 1) (Fired for giving the finger)-  T his is really long, kinda like my abs, wait...